Kotaku 'Shop Contest: Watch Pok?monback

Kotaku 'Shop Contest: Watch Pok?mon


1. Create your ‘Shop and save it to your desktop. Images must be at least 636 pixels wide. If they aren’t, you will be shot.
2. Go to the bottom of this post
3. This brings up a comment window. Click
4. This brings up Click “Choose file” if you’re uploading your ‘shop from your desktop
5. Alternatively, you can upload the ‘Shop to a free image hosting service. I suggest imgur. Then paste the image’s URL into the field that says “Image URL.” Note: this must be the URL of the image itself, not the page where it is displayed. That means the URL ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, whatever.
6. Add editorial commentary and hit submit and your image will load. If it doesn’t, upload the image to imgur and paste the image URL as a comment. I promise I will look at it.


【東京】寺で体験修行の中学生が暴行受けたと児相に訴え 天光寺の住職が記者会見を行い釈明「教育の範囲内でたたいた」


【国際】「トランプ阻止」へ運動開始 クリントン氏支持団体など 大統領選挙人による投票でトランプ氏を支持しないよう求める



【うp画】 ケチって激安ヘルス店に行った男はこうなる・・・・・(※画像あり)





【調査】「女性・女系天皇の議論を」82% 皇室世論調査


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