How to Play Google's Secret Neko Atsume-Style?Easter Egg in Android Nougatback

How to Play Google's Secret Neko Atsume-Style?Easter Egg in Android Nougat


1. Open Settings on your phone (either by dragging down the notifications shade and tapping the gear, or opening the Settings App in the App Drawer.)
2. Scroll down to 窶廣ndroid Version,窶? which should read 7.0, and tap three or four times until it fades away and is replaced by a big 窶廸窶? on your screen.
3. Tap the N four or five times, then long-press it until your phone vibrates. You窶冤l see a tiny cat emoji under the N appear, then fade away.
4. Pull down the notifications shade again, then pull the menu down again until you see 窶彳dit窶? in the lower right side of the shade. Tap it.
5. Under 窶廛rag to Edit Tiles,窶? you should see a cat labeled 窶廣ndroid Easter Egg.窶? Tap and hold on the cat and drag it up to your Quick Settings, and drop it wherever you want.
6. Tap back to get out of this screen, then pull down the notifications shade to see where you dropped the cat. It should now be an dish, labeled 窶廢mpty Dsih.窶?


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